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Q: Who is the mathematician discover the exponent?
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Who is that mathematician in the 17th century who wrote the exponent after the unknown?

The mathematician in the 17th century who wrote the exponent after the unknown is Herigone.

Who invented exponent?

French mathematician Rene Descartes.

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Not sure about Fibonicci but the Pisan mathematician, Fibonacci, did discover a pattern sequence which was named after him.

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He discovered it in Greece.

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Joseph Fourier is a French mathematician and physicist. Fourier is generally credited with the discovery of the greenhouse effect.

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Geometry was known for a very long time before Euclid made a systematic study of the subject.

Who is the french mathematician that created exponents?

His name was Edvard Larouge. He made up his exponent theory in 1863 when he had to keep multiplying the same numbers over and over agin because he was a banker.

What is the smallest raised number in a power that tells how many times the base is used as a factor?

The exponent.

Why did Archimedes discover PI?

He discovered it because he was a very great mathematician of ancient history. He was smart and developed the discovery of Pi to better the world as it is today.