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Q: Who is the person that listens to both sides and make judgment?
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What is the word for the person who listens to both sides of an argument and decides?

a mediator

What is the precise definition of an adjudicator?

The same thing as a judge. A person who listens to both sides in a dispute and makes a ruling.

How do you make a sound judgment?

A person can make a sound judgment by not being biased and examining both sides of the issue.

What do you call a person that does not take sides in an argument?

A person who does not take sides in a dispute but listens to both sides and works to resolve the situation is called an arbitrator. Neutral, moderate "on the fence" or "middle of the road" are all similar ways to describe the person who does not take either side in a dispute.

What does a good mediator do?

A good mediator listens to both sides of a dispute - and comes to a mutually acceptable solution.

Person who listens to both sides of dispute and makes suggested changes to solve dispute?

Mediator. A mediator is a neutral third-party that hears both sides of a dispute and works with both parties to find a mutually acceptable agreement. Mediators do not have the authority to settle disputes; only to make recommendations (which are not binding to the parties).

What is Pendulum Adjudication?

Pendulum adjudication is a dispute resolution process where a neutral third party listens to both sides of a disagreement and then issues a decision or judgment to resolve the conflict. This method is commonly used in construction disputes to resolve issues quickly and cost-effectively. The decision made by the neutral party is typically binding on both parties.

Is listened a pronoun?

Yes, the word 'listens' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'listens' is the plural form of the noun 'listen', a word for an act or instance of listening.The verb 'listens' is the third person, singular, present of the verb to listen.Examples:I've given the recording several listens but it's not up to standard. (noun)He listens to that annoying commentator every day. (verb)

Is 'listens' a pronoun?

Yes, the word 'listens' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'listens' is the plural form of the noun 'listen', a word for an act or instance of listening.The verb 'listens' is the third person, singular, present of the verb to listen.Examples:I've given the recording several listens but it's not up to standard. (noun)He listens to that annoying commentator every day. (verb)

How do the court decide whether to grant an order of specific performanceand injuction?

The court listens to arguments from both sides - considers the applicable law and past rulings and precedents - comes to a decision - and issues a ruling.

What is Tennis For Two?

If you are playing tennis and there is one person on both sides of the court it is called singles. If there are two people on both sides of the court it is called doubles.

Who is the only person on both sides of the same US coin although just barely on one of the sides?

Abraham Lincoln