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Q: Who is the supreme presence the absolute?
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Related questions

What is the synonym for absolute?

omnipotent, almighty, supreme, sovereignty

What is an absolute form?

An absolute form is the Platonic form of the supreme idea in which all other ideas participate.

If a nation has supreme absolute power it is said to have what?

A nation with supreme absolute power is a situation whereby its power is unchallenged and can spread its ideology to other nations e.g United states of America.

Who has the supreme power or sovereignty in Vatican?

The pope is the absolute monarch of the Vatican.

What is the synonym for absolute power?

omnipotent, almighty, supreme, sovereignty

Is kundalini and the Self the same thing?

Yes The kundalini that is awakened is Shakti Shakti is the the moving aspect of the absoluteWhen it merges into the absolute as such there is no difference between Shakti and Shiva, the Supreme AbsoluteAnd the Supreme Absolute is none other than the Self

Why sri sri add before the name of ramkrishna?

Because Sri means the supreme absolute.

Which word means all powerful?

Absolute, almighty, invincible, controlling, omnipotent, supreme, deathless, omnipresent

The type of gorverment in which one person holds supreme power?

That would be either an absolute monarchy or a dictatorship.

What kind of government did the Mughal Empire have?

The Mughal Empire had an absolute monarchy. The Emperor was the supreme head of the State.

True or false sovereignty refers to the supreme absolute power of a state within its own territory?


Did the authors of the bill of rights intend that the government be completely neutral about religion and deny the presence of a supreme being?
