Many people claim that someone is the tallest person. But in my Belief i think its Brendan Adam Plus, hes only thirteen. Well bye.
i heard there was a 17 year old who was 6'11.
Tajikistan, hydroelectric power station Nurek.
Mount Thor on Baffin Island in Nunavut, Canada, is the highest vertical drop in the world. It is 1250 meters, or 4101 feet high.
The tallest 1st grader would be about 5'1. ( The tallest 6th grader would be about 5'10 tho)
the tallest woman is eve standing at a amazing height of 14ft
I am the tallest boy in the world
The world's tallest boy is 9 feet tall actually the tallest boy in the world is brenden Adams and hes 7,4.5 inches tall and hes only 13
the world's tallest man lives in Mongolia, (check it out on the Guinness book of world records) but i am not sure about boy. it depends on which age you define BOY as.
the tallest person in the world isSultan Kösen - 8'1" (246.4 cm) is the tallest person in the world..................................
the tallest third grader is jeffery jamison from norwell Massachusetts who is 5'9
Kirkland HAll Is tha tallest man in the world he is 22feet and 45inches
Joe Trohman.
Raffy Cawayan
Norton Bulgacs is an 8 year old boy in health who lives in Halifax England and stands 5 ft 1" tall ,maybe he is tallest 8 year old boy in England or maybe the world at this time ???
Mount Mckinley is the tallest mountain in the world
the tallest man in the world 1825
Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa. The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, in Asia.