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Mark Hanson i guess.. but i'm not pretty sure with that but many people say it's Mark Hanson who created the SOLAR DISRUPTION.

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Q: Who is this scientist created the Solar Disruption Theory?
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Who created the Solar Disruption Theory?

mark hanson

Solar disruption theory?

who know?! i dont! :O

Who proposed the solar disruption theory?

Gary Oak

What is solar disruption theory?

Solar disruption theory, also known as tidal disruption theory, is a process where a star is destroyed by the intense gravitational forces of a more massive celestial body, such as a black hole. This gravitational interaction can cause the star to be stretched and torn apart in a phenomenon known as stellar tidal disruption.

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The scientist who launched the heliocentric theory on the organization of the solar system is?

I have school on pa cyber i was wondering the same thing

What created your solar sytem?

The origin lies with big bang theory. But the forces brought them together.

Who published the theory that the earth was the center of the universe?

The theory that the Earth was the center of the universe was popularized by Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer, in the 2nd century AD. This geocentric model of the universe was widely accepted in Western societies until the heliocentric model proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus in the 16th century.

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What celestical body is at the center of your solar system?

As proposed by the Heliocentric Theory, the Sun is the center of the Solar System.

What is solar disruption?

It is eating pan cake in the middle of the night. thumbs up if you agree!!!!!