The earliest signs of the use of Pi was in the designs of the Old Kingdom pyramids in Egypt. Many divide the history of Pi into three periods: The ancient period during which Pi was studied in a geometrical manner, the classical era when Pi was fully developed after the creation of calculus in the 17th century and, most recently, the age of digital computers.
pi = circumference/diameter
Archimedes made pi more precise
pi was not made - it is not a human artefact. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter exists independent of human existence.
Pi Day, celebrated on 14 March every year, was made official in 2009. See the related weblink.
Nobody made pi. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter and that is universal. Pi would have been pi even if there were never any humans.
pi = circumference/diameter
Archimedes made pi more precise
Larry Shaw made pi day on 3, 14, 1989.
who invented, or came up with "pi" in math? How did they come up with the estimation of 3.14?
Live your normal life. There isn't a holiday, somebody just made it up on FaceBook.
Nobody made the number pi. It existed before mankind, before the sun and the solar system.
Being optimistic and real in his agenda made Pi's resilience so successful.
pi was not made - it is not a human artefact. The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter exists independent of human existence.
it was made in 2000 BC
the order of pi up to the 35th place is as follows: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950419
Look up PI’s in your area.