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Q: Who must sign and date form 24-0059?
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If stopped for speeding must you sign the citation?

Yes you must sign it because you are not signing that you agree to what is written on the citation, just that you received it. and agree to appear the court date.

Do corporations have to sign a W-9 form?

Your question should be: To whom, if anyone, MUST a corporation, provide a W9, and if so, who may or must sign on behalf of the Corporation.

Do i have to sign hospital discharge release?

No they must be a written discharge order from your doc and you sign the form after everything been handed over to you.

Due to principle mistake no sign on your photo in aieee form?

If an application form, the photo does not indicate the name and date of photo taken will it be accepted

What are two types of mistakes that may be involved in an attempt to make a contract?

When one party fails to deliver what they agreed they would it can make the contract voidable. If the contract is based on one party misrepresenting themselves then the contract can be null and void.

How do you use guardian in a sentence?

One example is your question. "A parent or guardian must sign this form."

Can segments 3m5m9m form a triangle?

no, 3 + 5 = 8 3rd sign must be less than 8m to form a triangle

If a form must be signed and notarized by two people can one person sign it and then have a second person later sign and notarize the same form?

The two people do not need to sign at the same time as long as each signs in front of a notary.

When selling a car does the co signer have to sign the certificate of title?

If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.If they are now on the Certificate of Title they must sign it. Whoever is listed as an owner on the certificate must sign it.

What is the legal age for males to date?

It is legal for a male of any age to date a woman. However, you must be 18 to get married. Unless the parents of both the families sign and agree it is ok

How do you get a work permit in Alabama?

Kids who need a work permit, can get the form from their employer. The parents of the teen must sign the form, stating that they are allowed to work.