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Garry Shandling was the voice of Verne the turtle in the 2006 animated movie.

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Q: Who plays Verne in Over the Hedge?
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What was the name of the turtle from over the hedge?


What is the name of the turtle from over the hedge?

Verne the Turtle .

Who voice's frinn in Over the Hedge?

Did you mean Verne the box turtle , Garry Shandling provided the voice of Verne .

What animal is verne in over the edge?

Verne is a tortoise int he movie Over the Hedge. He was voice by Gary Shandling. Verne also had a daughter he was trying to protect against the evils of suburban life.

Who plays Stella in over the hedge?

Wanda Sykes

Who plays the voice of RJ the raccoon in Over the Hedge?

BruceWillis is the voice of the raccoon RJ in the movie: "Over the Hedge"

Avril Lavigne's first movie?

Over the Hedge she plays the voice of Heather

Who does Avril Lavigne play in Over the Hedge?

Avril Lavigne plays Heather the teenage possum on Over the Hedge.

What type of turtle is Franklin?

He kind of looks like Verne from over the hedge... he might be a Box Turtle in general or maybe some species of slider.

Who is Jim Carrey's character in over the hedge?

He is not in Over The Hedge

Who was Jim carrey in over the hedge?

Jim Carrey wasn't in Over the Hedge.

What was the Production Budget for Over the Hedge?

The Production Budget for Over the Hedge was $80,000,000.