

Who put the mishnah together?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Who put the mishnah together?
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The Mishnah together with commentaries is known as the?


When was the mishnah made?

The Mishnah was compiled from materials ranging in date from 63 CE to 200 CE. The redaction of the Mishnah took place in 200 CE by Rabbi Judah the Prince.

What are Talmud laws?

Talmudic laws are those contained within the Mishnah, a written compendium of much older Jewish oral law, and the Gemara, a set of rabbinical discussions on the Mishnah laws and their applications. Mishnah laws are based on rabbinic interpretations of the Torah (Jewish bible) and seek to provide a basis for all future applications of the law. Together, the Mishnah and Gemara provide a framework and basis for all other Jewish law, known as rabbinic law, as still upheld by Beth Din Jewish courts to this day.

What is the Mishnah?

The Mishna is the Jewish Oral Torah, in which the laws of the Torah are clarified. It was put in writing many centuries ago in order to preclude its being forgotten.

Why would an adherent to Judaism study the Mishnah instead of just going straight to Talmud study thereby getting Mishnah and the Gemara at the same time?

The Mishnah is written in Hebrew with an occasional Aramaic or Greek word thrown in. The Gemara is in Aramaic. The Mishnah predated the Jerusalem Talmud by about 100 years and the Babylonian Talmud by about 300 years. The Mishnah was the first written codification of the oral law. It is basically an outline that is explained in greater depth in Gemara. Younger school children who are familiar with Hebrew can learn the Mishnah and develop a broad general understanding of the commandments, and later delve into the "why's" of why the Mishnah concluded a law derived from a specific verse results in such and such a case. See Maimonides introduction to the "Mishne Torah for more information.

What has the author Shaye JD Cohen written?

Shaye J.D Cohen has written: 'From the Maccabees to the Mishnah' 'From the Maccabbees to the Mishnah' -- subject(s): History, Judaism, Jews

Who made the mishnah?

Judah Hanasi i 200 CE

Primary source for Jewish law consisting of mishnah and the gemara?

The Talmud.

What is a Baraita?

A Baraita is any of various Jewish traditions which are not included in the Mishnah.

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What has the author Chanoch Albeck written?

Chanoch Albeck has written: 'Mavo la-Talmudim' -- subject(s): Introductions, Talmud, Amoraim, Talmud Yerushalmi 'Mavo la-Mishnah' -- subject(s): Introductions, Mishnah

How many pages are in the talmud?

The Talmud consists of 2 main parts: the Mishnah and the Gemara. The Mishnah contains about 4000 pages, and the Gemara contains about 5500 pages. So in total, the Talmud has around 9500 pages.