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Thomas Hobbes

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Q: Who quoted people are brutish so they need a strong ruler?
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Who said People are brutish so they need a strong ruler.?

Thomas Hobbes said people are brutish so they need a strong ruler.

Who would say people are brutish so they need a strong ruler?

Thomas Hobbes

Why did Thomas Hobbes believe the people needed an absolute ruler?

Thomas Hobbes believed that people needed an absolute ruler to prevent chaos and maintain social order. He argued that without a strong central authority, individuals would act in their self-interest and engage in a constant state of war, making life solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. A strong ruler, in Hobbes' view, was essential for maintaining peace and stability in society.

Match the thinker with their main idea?

john Locke - People have natural rights that the government should protect. Thomas Hobbes - People are brutish, so they need a strong ruler. Montesquieu - Government powers should be divided into three branches. Emmerich de Vattel - We can apply the laws of nature to nations, not just to people or objects.

What taught that people need a strong ruler to maintain order?

If people didn't have a strong ruler all people would be in chaos.

Who wrote that men was nasty and brutish by nature and needed an absolute ruler to establish a civil society?

Thomas Hobbes.

What sort of a ruler did Hobbes believe was the best for Society?

Hobbes believed that an absolute ruler with strong centralized power was best for society, as he argued that this would prevent the chaos and conflict that arise from individual self-interest. This ruler would provide security and maintain order, reducing the state of nature where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

Who believed that life without an absolute ruler would be nasty brutish and short?

Thomas Hobbes, a philosopher, believed that life without an absolute ruler would be chaotic and unstable. In his work "Leviathan," he argues that a strong, central authority is necessary to prevent the state of nature, where individuals act in their self-interest and conflict is common.

How did Frederick the great treat his people?

He is often quoted as having said: 'The king is the first servant of the state'.

Who taught that people need a strong ruler to maintain order?

Daoism or Laozi

Who was mesopotamias ruler?

Hammurabi was such a strong ruler that after he died his civilization slowly starting to fade away

What is a strong ruler who controls a country by its force?

A strong ruler who controls a country by force is often referred to as a dictator or authoritarian leader. These individuals hold power through coercion, suppression of dissent, and the use of military or police force to maintain control over their territory and people.