'If You Don't Know Me By Now' was originally released by Harold Melvin and the Bluenotes in 1972. A cover version was released by Simply Red in about 1989.
i dont know, because wiki answers have not answered it and i dont know the answer so now it is really tough to finish my math homework!
i dont know im asking now soo... sorry.
i think it mite be something like well i dont know i have forgoten now what the answer was hold on a second wait i have remembered i think it is poo i now i am wrong so i dont think that it is that (poo) anyway sorry i couldnt help u why dont u just ask ur parents? or people around u?
I am 15 female I am 5ft5 I have not grown in 9 months so I probly have finished growing now I dont know about males
i dont now
now by mymp
I dont know exactly but it will have been released by now
dont know man ,,but when u find it let ME know...felli's bein shisty right now
In about 2-4 Weeks Him and T-Pain are gonna make a song. How do I know I'm working with them on it.
It depends when it is...the lastest song released now might not be in 5 minutes
I dont now the title of the song but it is by coldplay.
If they wanted people to know, they would've released a name by now. they dont want him getting bullied because of it
i dont know i would go om youtube to find out It's out now you can go play it
We dont know for now but it is a I dont now
we dont now .
Im sure Black eyed peas was one of the songs... 1st song - i dont know (transforming bit) 2nd song - i dont know (after activation) 3rd song - i dont know (after breath) 4th song - dunno (superman) 5th song - Black eyed peas - boom boom pow. 6th song - C & C Music Factory Freedom Williams- Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) 7th song - i dont know (ending)
i dont know now dont ask again