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Q: Who said. Every right has to be balanced by a corresponding responsibility?
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For almost every right that a citizen has, _______.?

there is a corresponding responsibility (A+)

For almost every right a citizen has?

For almost every right a citizen has, there is a corresponding responsibility.

The constitution guarantees the right to bear arms and the corresponding responsibility would be?

To arm bears!

What is the corresponding responsibility to the right to a fair trial?

Question is unclear . . . If the defendant/plaintiff is guranteed the "right to a fair trial," then the defendant/plaintiff's corresponding responsibility would seem to be, to tell the truth in all matters pertaining to the trial. We all know how likely THAT is to happen.

For every civil right there is?

a responsibility to exercise that right wisely

If you have the right to a fair trial and the corresponding responsibility to?

The rule of law dictate that you should have the right to a fair trial and the corresponding democratic responsibilities. This what innocent until proven guilty means.

What is the corresponding responsibility to the constitution having the right to bear arnms?

The responsibility of the citizen that owns the gun needs to respect it and not go out and commit a crime with it. Also, it is the citizen's responsibility to legally register the gun.

What do we mean by balanced diet?

A balanced diet means eating the right variety of food in the right amount of quantity and in right amount of calories in every day life in the shape of fresh and healthy

What are the same thing between rights and responsibilities?

Rights and responsibilities both involve obligations or duties that individuals have in society. They are interconnected, as rights often come with corresponding responsibilities. For example, the right to free speech comes with the responsibility to respect the rights of others. Both rights and responsibilities are essential for creating a balanced and harmonious society.

What is Hallmark of nursing responsibility and accountability?

Health, being a fundamental right of every individual.

Is Right to Food a fundamental right?

No. It is a goal to be achieved. Rights and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin. For every right, there is a corresponding responsibility to it. If everyone has a right to happiness, who is to supply it? If everyone has a right to food, who is to supply it. "Human Rights" as put forth by so many organizations are not rights at all. They are goals to be achieved in a civilized society. Americans have the right to free speech because the United States Bill of Rights gives that right to it's people. That's it.

Blood donation is it individual responsibility?

Yes you are right, every person in the world is responsible to each and every thing. Blood donating is also one of the responsibility of a person, that by giving blood you can save one live.