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'one nation-one state'is a product of

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Q: Who said 'One nation - One State' is a product of?
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What is a nation called when it relies on one product for its economic well-being?

"one-commodity" country.

How does one nation distinguish from a state?

distinguish state from nation

How is a state differs from a nation?

A nation is nation different from a state in various ways. A nation will have a president but a state does not have a president as they are under one nation.

A nation state is an uncommon example of a country with?

A nation state is an uncommon example of a country with only one nation :)

What is a multistate nation?

A multi-state nation is an ethnic group that is not confined or concentrated in one political entity (a state). In geography, a country is not a nation, it is considered a state and a nation is considered to be an ethnic entity.

What are the features of a nation?

the features are population,territory,government and sovereignty

What if one nation becomes more efficient than another nation at producing a specific product?

a comparative advantage

What made the states one nation?

The nation state is a state that self-identifies as deriving its political legitimacy from serving as a sovereign entity for a nation as a sovereign territorial unit.[1] The state is a political and geopolitical entity; the nation is a cultural and/or ethnic entity. The term "nation state" implies that the two geographically coincide, which distinguishes the nation state from the other types of state, which historically preceded it

Why Martin Luther King said that one day our nation?

yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss he did

What is one example of nation state?

One example of a nation-state is Japan, which has a largely homogenous population with a unified cultural identity and a centralized government that represents the interests of its citizens.

Which state in th nation is adjoined or toughed by only one other state?

That is Maine.

Does Vatican is considered as state or nation?

If you are talking about Vatican city... It is its own Country. Or nation either one I guess.