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Q: Who said Believe half of what you read and half of what you see?
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What read between the lines mean?

It means to infer something that is not catagorically stated in either a statment, piece of writing, speech etc. basically, to see what is being said without actually being stated.If you read the lines, then you are looking at the obvious. To read between the lines is to see the not so obvious or to see what is suggested.To find a deeper or not-so-obvious meaning within something, to consider what could be implied by something that may seem to be innocuous or not have any apparent meaning.If you read the lines, then you are looking at the obvious. To read between the lines is to see the not so obvious or to see what is suggested. Unless.... Someone holds up 3 fingers and says to read between the lines. That is just a derrogative slang.The phrase "read between the lines" means to be able to find the 'hidden meanings' in either text or speech. So if someone is talking to you, and they're in a bad mood but are trying to hide it, then you find out that they're in a bad mood without them telling you, then that's an example of "reading between the lines".

What is half-empty and half-full?

I'm pretty sure your asking what it means when people ask if the glass is half empty or half full? If Not Sorry, But If That Is Your Question Then The Answer Is That People Ask That To "See If You Are A Positive Or Negative Person", If You Believe The Glass Is Half Full, Then Your A Positive Person, If You Believe Its Half Empty, Your Supposedly A Negative Person. Does That Help? I'm a different person from the first, but every time someone asks me that question, I'll look around wildly and yell, "Who is drinking my soda!?!?!" *Half empty is when something was full at one point in time and it has been drained since to a "half empty" status. Half full is when you are filling something and plan to continue to fill it. Another view - If you look at it as just a glass with water in it then that's what it is. If you put meaning into it then the glass will always be completely full. How full do you want your glass?

Can you see something 0.01 inches?

Yes. A single strand of hair is half that and you can see it

How many ridges does a half dollar have?

There are 150 ridges on the half dollar coin.

What does mean reading between the lines?

It means to infer something that is not catagorically stated in either a statment, piece of writing, speech etc. basically, to see what is being said without actually being stated.If you read the lines, then you are looking at the obvious. To read between the lines is to see the not so obvious or to see what is suggested.To find a deeper or not-so-obvious meaning within something, to consider what could be implied by something that may seem to be innocuous or not have any apparent meaning.If you read the lines, then you are looking at the obvious. To read between the lines is to see the not so obvious or to see what is suggested. Unless.... Someone holds up 3 fingers and says to read between the lines. That is just a derrogative slang.The phrase "read between the lines" means to be able to find the 'hidden meanings' in either text or speech. So if someone is talking to you, and they're in a bad mood but are trying to hide it, then you find out that they're in a bad mood without them telling you, then that's an example of "reading between the lines".

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Who said believe none of what you hear and half of what you see?

Benjamin Franklin.

Who said the quote believe half of what you see and none of what you hear?

Benjamin Franklin

Who said believe half of what you see and none of what you hear?

The quote "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear" is attributed to Edgar Allan Poe. It is a reminder to not always trust what is presented to us visually or verbally, and to approach information critically.

Who said Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see?

This was said by poet and author Edgar Allan Poe in Graham's Magazine in 1845.

How do you see what is being said when television is muted?

You can read their lips

I was on MySpace and read that Rob Dyrdek is a swinger Is that true?

Anyone can claim just about anything they want these days on their personal website spaces. Common rule on questionable stuff is not to believe anything you hear and believe only half of what you see.

Do you believe everything you hear on the radiosee on TVs or read online?

Dont believe all you see, and only half of what you hear...Well if I told you you were going to die would you believe it? That should answer your question.Just a comment on the above answer; Of course you would believe that you are going to die. 100% of people die.By all means, NO. but you can believe this answer.ANSWER: I think you should believe everything you read. Are you reading this? Do you believe it? Why not? It's true. I swear! What? I am not lying. O.k. fine...if you don't want to believe everything you read, then at the very least believe this; "There are no such things as stupid questions." Do you believe it? You believe that? How can you believe such a thing? I SAY:believing everthingthing you read would be an utterly foolish and moreover idiotic sort of action or thought. this world is full of conniving people who desire to mislead.

What is the meaning of Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear?

It needs no answer, it is exactly what it is. But if you do need an answer all you have to do is think about it. What you see with your own eyes sometimes is not exactly what is happening ,but, what you "think" is happening, so, believe half of that. As for the other half of the question, believe nothing of what you hear because it is gossip, plain and simple.

What does whin'd mean in shakespeare?

Any time you see a verb in Shakespeare that ends in 'd, you know that that apostrophe is replacing the letter "e". Therefore if you see whin'd, read whined; if you see lower'd, read lowered; if you see call'd, read called; if you see sham'd read shamed; if you see show'd read showed. Get the picture? The reason for this is that sometimes people said that e and sometimes not. If they said it in a word like "whined" it would come out in two syllables: "why-ned". But if they didn't say that last e and said it all in one syllable (as everyone does nowadays) then it was spelled "whin'd"

What is the new Harry Potter and the half-blood prince movie about?

i will not reveal it if you have not seen it go and see it if you have not read the book read the book.

Where to read half a sister?

See if your public library bought a copy or buy one on Amazon.

Is it true to believe the internet?

Everything on the internet is real. Everything on the internet is true. You should believe everything you read and see on the internet.