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Q: Who said The truth lies somewhere in between?
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What does out and out lies mean?

"Out and out" means total; utter; complete. So, out and out lies would mean that there wasn't any truth behind what the person said.

What is one quote that Ron Paul has said?

In the opening of his book, The Revolution, Ron Paul said, "Truth is treason in the empire of lies."

If a man who always lies tells you that he lied - did he tell you the truth?

That's confusing. Well, if he ALWAYS lies, and he said that he lied, would mean he had told the truth though he could have lied so the situation may be a lie

Who said The truth lies within each of us?

The quote "The truth lies within each of us" is often attributed to the ancient philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. It reflects the idea that individuals have the ability to discover and understand truth through introspection and self-discovery.

Why are the teachings of Jesus relevant?

Simply because it is the Truth. Jesus said this world will pass away but my word will not. Lies come and go but the Truth lasts forever.

What are some concequences of telling lies?

Well what happens is that you get into a trap and end up getting and telling more lies. And the person you tell a lie to can never ever trust you. When you tell a lie, you will always have to remember how and what you said and to whom you said it. Lies will always change whereas the truth never changes.

If Someone says that they always lie are they telling the truth Or are they lying?

This statement creates a paradox because if the person always lies, then they must be lying about always lying, which means that they are telling the truth. It's a classic example of a paradoxical statement.

Will there be an insidious 2?

Insidious 2 is said to be coming out somewhere between fall in 2013.

Who said Truth is beauty beauty is truth?

John Keats was the man who said "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."

Do more people lie than say the truth?

Neither can be said to be true. Everyone, without exception, tells lies in some form or other on occasion. By the same token, everyone, without exceptions tells the truth on occasion.

Who said there are lies damned lies and statistics?

Mark Twain

Who said A truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent?

William Blake, the English poet and artist, is credited with this quote. It means that even though the truth may be spoken in a harmful or malicious way, it is still better than a lie because lies can cause more damage in the long run.