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Q: Who said never a failure always a lesson?
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Who said the quote Never a failure always a lesson?

The quote "Never a failure, always a lesson" is often attributed to the rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z. He is known for promoting a mindset of learning and growth from every experience, regardless of the outcome.

Who said A man with friends can never be considered a failure?

"No man is a failure who has friends" is from It's A Wonderful Life.

Who said 'success is never found failure is never fatal courage is the only thing?

----Winston Churchill

Why did justin bieber never gave up?

Because he never said never and he always believed.

Is it I alway say or I have always said?

First, the word is always, never alway. It is correct to say either "I always say" or "I have always said". "I have always said" suggests that you have been saying this over a long time.Examples:In job interviews, I always say that I like a challenge.I have always said that if you are prepared, there is no reason to be nervous.

When are you forbidden to offer worship at a church?

Never. You can always worship at a Church and it is never said against.

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Peg always said "Never give up.".

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Mr. and Mrs. Car were never said because they were always fed premium fuel.

What lesson did the soldiers learn after they went to Vietnam?

You meant after they returned home; they learned to appreciate life. Said best with the old adage, "Life has a flavor that the protected will never know."

What have you never said never to?

i have never said never to god

What instrument does Bill Kaulitz like?

He always said that he wanted to play piano but never had enough patience for that.

What did Sherlock Holmes always say?

He never said "Elementary, my dear Watson," although he simply said "Elementary" a couple times.