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Q: Who said peace and justice are two sides of the same coin?
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Who quoted peace and justice are two sides of the same coin?

Dwight Eisenhower said that.

Who said we wish peace but we wish the peace of justice the peace of righteousness?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Who said we wish peace but we wish peace of justice the peace of righteousness?

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Who said we wish peace but you wish the peace justice the peace of righteousness?

Nelson Mandela said, "We wish peace, but you wish the peace of the grave, the peace of slavery, the peace of the prison, the peace of the oppressed."

Who said you wish peace but you wish the peace of justice the peace of righteousness?

Louis Brandeis, an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, is credited with this quote. He believed that true peace could only be achieved through justice and righteousness.

Who said we wish peace' but we wish peace of justice the peace of righteousness?

Eleanor Roosevelt is often credited with this quote, emphasizing that true peace can only be achieved through justice and righteousness, not just the absence of conflict.

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joe hendy

Who said you will live in peace?

Jesus said ,"you will live in peace

How do you say peace in dinka?

In Dinka, "peace" is said as "cieng".

Who said Whether you bring your enemies to justice or bring justice to your enemies justice will be done?

George W. Bush

What president said you wish peace but you wishthe peace of justicethe peace of righteousness?

john Kennedy

What does Abraham Lincolns tombstone say?

it said we as people we can fight for justice and justice we unite