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Q: Who shares similar interests and enjoys many of the same activities?
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How you describe a friend?

Someone who is loyal, there for you, shares in your interests, enjoys being around you.

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Especially lately, Syria and the EU don't have a good relationship. Since Germany is part of the EU and shares similar interests as the EU (and NATO), they would not be allies.

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I would like a companion who is supportive, understanding, and shares similar values and interests as me. Someone who I can trust, communicate openly with, and experience life's joys and challenges together.

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A girl who shares the same interests!

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the company can increase its capital without going into debt

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the company can increase its capital without going into debt

What is an advantage a company enjoys by offering shares for sales in a stock market?

the company can increase its capital without going into debt

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Issues of shares, repayment of loan, sale of an investment.

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Follow a bunch of people that shares the same interests with you, make friends with them then ask for a follow back.