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The Indians started the Hindu numeral system. We call it the Hindu-Arabic system because it was the Arabs of North Africa who brought the system to Europe.

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Q: Who started the Hindu numerals?
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Who made Hindi-Arabic numerals?

The Hindu Arabic number system was in fact started by Indians, back then known as Brahmi Numerals. They then slowly evolved to become Hindu Arabic numerals.

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The Roman numerals LXVII=67 in Hindu Arabic numerals.

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The Roman numerals of XXVIII are the equivalent of 28 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

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How do you write 39 in Hindu Arabic Numerals?

Hindu Arabic numerals are the ones we use. 39 is already in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

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The Roman numerals of DCCC are the equivalent of 800 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

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The given numerals are an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals and so therefore there is no equivalent of them in Hindu-Arabic numerals.

How do you write 437 in Hindu Arabic numerals?

437 is already in Hindu-Arabic numerals

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The given Roman numerals can be simplified to CLXVI which is the equivalent of 166 in Hindu-Arabic numerals

Similarities between Roman Numerals and Hindu Arabic Numerals?

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