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Q: Who stated that 80 percent of intelligence is due to heredity?
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Is tourettes due to heredity?

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What is the relation of heredity to individual differences?

individual difference due to heredity

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Is your intelligence due to the genes you were born with or the environment you were raised in?

Both nature and nurture play a role in determining intelligence. Genetics can influence cognitive abilities, but environmental factors such as education, nutrition, and experiences can also have a significant impact on cognitive development. Ultimately, intelligence is a complex interplay between genetic predisposition and environmental influences.

What are two examples of the influence of heredity on personality?

Heredity can influence personality traits such as shyness or extroversion, as these characteristics may be inherited from parents or ancestors. Genetic factors can also contribute to mental health conditions like anxiety or depression, as these conditions can run in families due to hereditary factors.

How did Jensen's theory related to Galton's early work?

Jensen's theory extended Galton's work by proposing that individual differences in intelligence are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. While Galton emphasized the role of heredity in intelligence, Jensen highlighted the importance of environmental influences as well. Jensen's theory sparked controversy and debate due to its focus on genetic factors in intelligence.

Is fragile-x-syndrome due to heredity or is it a mutation?


Is intestinal ischemia inheritable?

Intestinal ischemia is indirectly due to heredity. The condition is caused by the narrowing or blocking of an artery, and one of the reasons this may happen is due to cholesterol buildup. Since high cholesterol is at least partly due to heredity, intestinal ischemia can be thought of as inheritable.

How Heredity and environment causes individual differences?

Heredity causes individual differences because of genetic traits passed down from parent to child. The environment can cause individual differences due to inequality or even accidents.

It has been stated that intelligence tests are reliable but not valid?

This assertion suggests that intelligence tests consistently measure the same trait (reliability), but may not accurately measure what they intend to (validity). In other words, while the results may be consistent, they may not necessarily reflect the true level of intelligence of an individual.

Why do metabolic rates differ?

Most metabolic rates differ due to a number of reasons. Metabolism can change due to activity level, heredity age and food consumption.