

Who used Pythagoras theorems?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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the Ryan jolly uses them because he is a mathmatic nerd also he is related to Pythagoras by blood. Ryan jolly recently made the jolly theory and to this day he is very un important

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How many theorems is Pythagoras responsible for?

6 theorems

Who is the ancient mathematician who proposed theorems used in modern geometry?

It was Pythagoras whose theorem states that for any right angle triangle when its hypotenuse is squared it is equal to the sum of its squared sides.Euclid, Pythagoras

Was Pythagoras known for right triangle theorems?

Yes he is known for the theorem that has his name.

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Is pythagorean and Pythagoras are same?

Pythagoras was a person, pythagorean refers to his mathematical theories - principally his theorems about the measures of the sides of a right angled triangle.

Who figured out he basic laws of geometry?

Geometry, unlike science, doesn't really have laws, it has theorems, and many different mathematicians contributed to the creation of the basic theorems of geometry. Perhaps the best known is Pythagoras.

What is Pythagoras well known for in your mathematics books?

The 'Pythagorean Theorems. eg:- "The square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides."

Did Pythagoras actually write any of his theorems down?

AnswerPythagoras never wrote anything down. Everything written was written by one of his followers after his death.

Can theorems be used to prove other theorems?

Yes, they can. This is done all the time in mathematics, logic and other areas. However, you must ensure that you either record the theorems used, or write them out in whole and attach them to the proof of the new theorem.

Who found out about Pythagoras?

the egyptians used Pythagoras thereom before "Pythagoras" so called founded it.

Can postulates be used to solve theorems?

No. A postulate need not be true.

What were Pythagoras' important contributions?

In a word, geometry. He also influenced Plato, Aristotle, and many other philosophers and mathematicians long after his death.He also established many geometrical theorems, including the Pythagorean Theorem.