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Q: Who used spin stabilization to solve the problem of stabilizing rockets in flight without a guiding stick?
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Who added flight-stabilizing guide sticks to rockets and built the first viable launching pad?

William hale

What do airplanes and rockets have in common?

Airplanes and rockets are both vehicles designed for travel through the air/space. They both use propulsion systems to generate thrust for movement and wings/fins for stabilization and control. Both airplanes and rockets rely on aerodynamics principles for lift and propulsion.

What problem did rockets solve?

it helped then learn more

What is Houstons nickname?

Texas Texans

How many air craft are there in the National Air and Space Museum?

350 planes, over 250 rockets space craft and self guiding missiles.

What is the problem with the space shuttle compared to rockets like Saturn v?

it blew up

What do you call the wings of the rocket?

Rockets do not have wings.However rockets need a means of stabilization and control, this can be done two ways:thruster controlsfins (this will only work while the rocket is in the atmosphere)With thruster controls the rocket engine thrust may be varied, the rocket engine nozzles may gimbal, or auxiliary thrusters may be used.What you are probably thinking of is the fins, which can be either fixed or movable. But they have no lift and are not wings and as stated above many rockets totally lack any fins.

When was Rockets - Rockets album - created?

Rockets - Rockets album - was created in 1976.

What pro teams play in Houston?

the rockets the rockets the rockets

Where can rockets go?

rockets can go is where rockets can go

What are three main types of rockets that power modern spacecrafts?

Three main types of rockets that power modern spacecrafts are liquid-propellant rockets, solid-propellant rockets, and hybrid rockets. Liquid-propellant rockets use liquid fuel and oxidizer, solid-propellant rockets use solid fuel and oxidizer mixed together, and hybrid rockets use a combination of solid and liquid propellants.

What is the difference between water rockets and modern rockets?

Water rockets use water and air modern rockets use thrust and oxygen.