

Who uses standard form?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Who uses standard form?
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Answer 2 If it is already in standard form, just leave it alone! The terminology varies, but the following example uses the usual names: 1,023 is in standard form. One thousand twenty-three is in word form. 1000 + 20 + 3 is in expanded form. ====== Answer 1 It is like a normal kind if decimal point and but the standard form have to do it as a dot...

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having jobs such as a mathematician uses standard form. Being an astronomer needs standard form, because you're working with such enormous numbers as planets are so far away. also being a scientist needs standard form because you're working with small numbers too.

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6600 in standard form

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9,670 is the standard form.

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In standard form it is 4.86*104. Standard form and scientific form are the same.

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43,962 is the standard form.