Sea urchin
aristotles matrix
No, Aristotles is not single.
Gauss, Student, Snedecor, Bienayme, Chebyshev, Fisher
To be the best teacher of plato and all the other great thinkers of ancient greece!:)love my answer!?Did it help a little?A lot?Kinda?
Aristotle's most famous student was Alexander the Great.
Aristotle is famous for his philosophical ideas.
He contributed to the scientific method.Aristotle is famous for his philosophical ideas.
a long long time ago :)
Alexander the great
Aristotle got famous because he was in church and church is very religious so people had to believe hi(:
Plato was the prized student of the Greek philosopher Socrates. In turn, Aristotle is the most famous student of Plato.
Anne Sullivan's famous student was Helen Keller.