He/She is or was a book writer i have a book called 1000 Bible Drill Questions.
5th century of Rome he was Julius Cesears BBFL
Burgess Hill
Southampton University Branch, Burgess Road
W W h ... W W W h
H. W. Burgess has written: 'Studies of trees'
F. W. Burgess has written: 'Chats on old copper and brass'
J. W. Burgess has written: 'Gallium arsenide solar cells (second phase)'
The phone number of the Thorton W. Burgess Society is: 508-888-4668.
Conn McCreary's birth name is Conn Nichols McCreary.
Lew McCreary was born in 1947.
Regina McCreary is 5' 4".
The address of the Thorton W. Burgess Society is: 6 Discovery Hill Road, East Sandwich, MA 02537-1316
R. W. Burgess has written: 'Velocette motor cycles' 'Studies in Eusebian and Post-Eusebian chronography' -- subject(s): Chronology, Greek Chronology, History
Conn McCreary went by Connie.
McCreary railway station was created in 1912.
Keith McCreary was born on 1940-06-19.