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Q: Who was often given credit for discovering how many a triangle has?
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While probably untrue the credit is often given to Daniel Boone.

What man is often given the credit for the unitary theory of electricity?

That is James Clerk Maxwell 1831-1879.

What is an example of credit?

An example of credit is when someone lets you have something with only the promise to pay them later. Credit limits are often given by financial institutions allowing people to borrow up to a certain limit.

How are newly discovered elements named?

People decide on who gets the credit of discovering the new element, and then who gets the honor of naming it. Often times they name the new element after a place, country, scientist, or myths, etc.

How often are the longest angle in a triangle opposite to the longest side of a triangle?

Pretty often, but not really common

What are the credit requirements to open an internet merchant account?

Merchant accounts are often given to individuals with no or poor credit ratings. However, the longer that you are in business and as your monthly charge volume grows, your credit rating becomes more important, and it is then important to have a good credit rating.

What are René Descartes' contributions to the society?

Descartes created the Cartesian coordinates and the Cartesian curves and has often been given credit for analytical geometry. he was a mathmatician

Is it true or false that Watson and crick were the two scientists that are most often given credit for discovering the 3-D shape of DNA deoxyribonucleic acid?

Its true, though Dr Rosalind Franklin did the actual work, which was then shown by Crick to Watson without her knowelege. Because of her work with x-rays she died of ovarian cancer and could not be included in the Nobel prize for the discovery of the DNA double-helix.

What does a triangle pointing down mean?

A downward pointing triangle is often used to represent "female".

How did someone invent the wheelbarrow?

Pascal, the famous French philosopher and mathematician is often given the credit for this invention. I do not know the details or if there are competing claims from other inventors.

Where can one open up a merchant account to be able to accept credit cards from customers?

Businesses often go to banks/credit unions or other financial institutions to open up merchant accounts to be able to accept credit card payments from customers. It is much better to have this option seeing that customers often spend more when given the option to pay with a card.