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Q: Who was one of the first mathematics to use algebra?
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What type of Mathematics did Ernest Wilkins Jr use?

he used algebra & geometry

What type of mathematics does a fire fighter use?

Fire fighters use mostly arithmetic, but some algebra too.

Why do you think it important to study algebra?

Algebra is a basic fundamental of mathematics. If you don't do well in Algebra, chances are, you won't do well in other math areas such as Geometry and Pre-Calculus. Algebra is also an everyday thing. We use Algebra every day!

How do you use postgraduate in a sentence?

Alice continued with her studies in Mathematics, earning a postgraduate degree in Nonlinear Algebra.

What kind of mathematics uses letters instead of numbers?

Algebra makes use of letters and mathematical symbols.

What country was the first to use algebra?

Since algebra was developed during the Abbasid dynasty by Al-Khawarizmi, the people of the Abbasid dynasty were the first to use algebra.

In mathematics how does one use the quadratic formula?

The Quadratic formula in mathematics is used to solve quadratic equations in algebra. The simplest way to solve these equations is to set each of the factors to zero and then solve each factor separately.

Is Intermediate Mathematics more advanced than Pre-Algebra?

I suspect that different people - or schools - may use the term "intermediate mathematics" for different things.

Where is algebra used in real situtations?

Mathematics which includes Algebra is considered "the mother of all science". Therefore it is used of course extensively in all higher mathematics and in all the sciences. It is possible to use some problem solving techniques that you learn in Algebra to solve proplems in real life even if you are not a scientist or mathematician.

Who discover the algebra?

Both Diophratus (300AD) and Al-Khwarizmi(800 AD) are often called the "father of algebra". I like Al- Khwarizmi because he use the term "al-jabr" which now is known as algebra. Al jabr ( arabic) means, when loosely translated, "what I do to one side of the equation, do the the other"

What is Algebra?

The algebra taught in high school involves doing calculations with unknown or unspecified numbers. These are usually represented with letters, which are called "variables". For more details, read some introductory article about algebra, such as the Wikipedia (article "Elementary algebra"), or read a high school textbook about algebra if you want more details.