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Descartes was responsible for developing theories related to geometry during the Scientific Revolution. He had taken the most crucial steps in the development of mathematics by using formulas for physical representations during this time.

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Q: Who was responsible for developing theories related to geometry during the Scientific Revolution?
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Who was responsible for developing theories related to geometry?

Johannes Kepler

Identify the individual who was responsible for developing theories related to geometry?

Johannes Kepler

Why is Euclid named the father of geometry?

He is the first person to set out geometry on a systematic basis starting from a small number of axioms. He was also responsible for developing the principles of geometric proof.

What did Ptolemy contribute to the scientific revolution?

He published Geometry books and came up with a way to calculate astronomical movements.

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What is a single spin of the earth called?

in geometry 360 degrees is called a "revolution"

What are four new instruments that came into use during the scientific revolution?

there is analytic geometry and logarithms. Pendulum clock by huygens. Some of the inventions during the Scientific Revolution included the theremometer, barometer, microscopes, and the telescope. There were many more inventions during the revolution.

Do you need a calculator for geometry?

Yes. It is suggested you use a scientific or graphing calculator-- although scientific calculators have a top-of-the-line price of about $14 USD.

Which of the following artists used experiments with mirrors and his knowledge of geometry to determine the scientific laws of linear perspective?

A. Brunelleschi