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Q: Who was the Greek mathematician from the sixth century B.C. who tried to explain everything in mathematical terms and taught that the world was round?
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Who was the Greek mathematician from the sixth century BC who tried to explain everything in mathematics term and taught that the world was round?


Who was the Greek who tried to explain that everything has a mathematical basis?

It was Pythagoras

Who was the greek mathematician who tried to explain everything in mathematical terms and taught that the world was round?

Only loony Ancient Greek mathematician (although, there were many loony Ancient Greeks) who loved his maths so much he practically - no wait, he actually did - form a religion around it was Pythagoras and he is 6th to very early 5th century, so I'm assuming I'd be right in saying him? Hope that helped.

Who is the genius in mathematics that sought a way to explain problems in both science and philosophy in terms of a mathematical method?

Pythagoras was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. He is best known for the mathematical Pythagorean theorem. It is said that he was the first man to call himself a philosopher, and he greatly influenced Plato (and therefore Western philosophy).

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A mathematical model is a description of a scientific system using math.The scientists created a mathematical model to explain the process.We studied the mathematical model.

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we cannot explain it its huge

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