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Karl Pearson

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Q: Who was the first mathematician to apply statistics to investigate in biology?
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What is the similarity between biostatistics and biometry?

Both Biometry and Biostatistics apply statistics to a wide range of topics in biology. This is their main similarity. I hope I answer your question right.

What is a mathematician?

A mathematician is a person whose primary area of study and research is the field of mathematics. People who apply mathematics to other field, but do not contribute directly to mathematical, are generally not considered mathematician.

Can you apply for master in statistics in Sweden?

unless you are a can!

Why are pure biology and applied biology related?

Because it's all biology - the science of life. Pure biology gives you the theoretical foundation that you later apply in applied biology. So they can't go one without the other.

How is statistics applied to information technology?

You can apply statistics when examining efficiency, performance, or making prediction. This certainly has application within IT.

How does the probability theory apply to statistics?

Statistics is the study of how probable an observed event is under a set of assumptions about the underlying probability distribution.

How does biology apply to hairdressing?

It does vagely because hair is biological (dead cells)

Application of statistics in social sciences?

How can i apply statistical formulas in social science.

How do the laws of thermodynamics apply to biology?

Biology is immune from the laws of thermodynamics because biology has a higher law, a superior principle, the submission of all to Evolution, from which flows a continual stream of order and, when necessary, heat.

Which statistics will apply to deuteron and alpha particles?

B-E Statistic

How do you apply statistics in hotel?

An important statistic is the percent of rooms filled each night.

How do you become a fda agent?

Get a degree in a relevant field... such as agriculture, chemistry, or biology... and then apply for a job with them.