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Q: Who was the first rookie to cross the finish line?
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Related questions

How is the winner determined in a race?

The first to cross the finish line

How do you come first in a race?

Cross the finish line first. Pretty much like a human foot race.

How is the winner chosen for the Kentucky Derby?

Whichever horse and jockey team cross the finish line first. If it was a close call between two horses or more they check the photo taken when they crossed the finish line and it will show which pair touched the finish line first.

How do you come first in a horse race?

Cross the finish line first. Pretty much like a human foot race.

Which is the only Olympic sports race in which the competitors do not cross the finish line?

I believe your question is; "Which Olmpic sport has a finish line that no competitors cross" SWIMMING

Why some women cross the finish line ahead of men?

The gender of a person does not matter when it comes to finishing a race. Some women cross the finish line ahead of men because they are faster.

What part of a horses body has to cross the line first?

The nose, but this may vary from country to country and with different types of racing. For US Thoroughbred racing it is the nose and by which nose REACHES the finish line first.

What is the red lantern award in the Iditarod?

it is the award giving to the last musher to cross the finish line and first to win now lets kiss

How do you get points in biathlon?

To win in the biathlon all you need to do is cross the finish line first, is you miss a target you have to do a lap aroung a 1500m lap.

What is the only Olympics sport that has a finish line no competitor will ever cross?

could it be swimming? you don't cross that finishing line you just touch it.

How did you play chariot racing in the Olympics?

The charioteers drove their chariots around a stadium like like the Colosseum and tried to be the first to cross the finish line.

In a NASCAR race if you finish second or third place but you are upside down and on fire does it count?

yes if you cross finish line