The Oracle Certification Program is a professional certification program offered by the Oracle Corporation. There are three levels of Oracle Certification in several disciplines: Oracle Certified Associate (OCA), Oracle Certified Professional (OCP), and Oracle Certified Master(OCM). Wikipedia
I can give you several sentences.The oracle predicted that he needed to sail on the fifth of next month.The king consulted an oracle before he decided to go to war.The Oracle in the movie "The Matrix" could really tell the future.
An oracle is someone who has great knowledge. They can give prophesies with high authority. Such as the Oracle at Delphi.
who is the founder of Orcale Corporation
He is the co-founder, and chief exec. of Oracle Corporation.
Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, Ed Oates
Research has shown that the Oracle software company is not owned by one specific individual. Larry Ellison was the co-founder of the company and is said to be worth $41 billion which includes his stock ownership in the Oracle company.
MySQL was developed by Oracle and is named after co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, My.
Did you know? Larry Ellison is the co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation.
Oracle sells many functional modules which use the Oracle RDBMS as a back-end, notably Oracle Financials, Oracle HRMS, Oracle SCM, Oracle Projects, Oracle CRM, Oracle Procurement.
The i in Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i stands for INTERNET....The i in Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i stands for INTERNET....The i in Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i stands for INTERNET....The i in Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i stands for INTERNET....
Oracle is a product from Oracle corporation.
Oracle r12 is Oracle release 12.
Oracle Projects is a propreitory name for a software by Oracle.
Oracle is relational DataBase