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Q: Who was the man who made math pretty?
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Who made math pretty?

nobody juz do it

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Why do we have man made rules in math?

The laws in math were not invented by man, they were merely discovered by man. The universe operated by these mathematical principles long before man and will continue to long after we're gone.

Who man discovered math?

There was no single person who discovered mathematics. In fact, there are discoveries still being made and ones still to be made.

Is there a math man?


What is man ecosystem?

Examples of Man-Made Ecosystems Man-Made Lakes Parks Cities International Space Station Sewers Dumps Buildings Pretty much anything we make that something else lives in

How do i get my math grade up Im in grd 4 and my math grade is a C. I want to mkae honor roll so how can I get it up sometimes I dont get it and we move pretty fast in the math book?

There's no substitute for learning, man. You just got to study more and practice more.

What is the math term for... that man does not talk plainly?

This has nothing to do with math.

Did you hear about math worksheet page 96?

"the man who hunted bear untill the forest ranger made him put on clothes"

Why is math taught?

it is taught because when you grow up pretty much every job has math in it .

Why are the great pyarmids important?

Because they are a man made structure that has lasted thousands of years. They are pretty awesome.

It seems that you are a pretty smart man but this is not enough?

I rather be a pretty man who is smart