were two.
The sum of two and two is four.
Two hundred twenty-two billion, two hundred twenty-two million, two hundred twenty-two thousand, two hundred twenty-two.
Presented by Chris Tarrant and John Asher originally.
i need this qution answer
i need this qution answer
helen owen
Joel, Andy, Helen and Barney are all the blue peter prestenters
In 2011, James Elmer joined as co-host of Studio 3 along with Kayne and Amberley.On December the 4th(TODAY)2011 two new presenters were revealed from the me on 3 tune in!
"Most presenters spoke without looking at their notes" is correct because "presenters" is a plural noun, so the pronoun "their" is used to show agreement. Using "his or her notes" would imply singular presenters, which is not the case.
The plural possessive adjective their is correct, because the antecedent is the plural noun 'presenters'.
No, the pronouns 'his or her' is incorrect.The pronoun their is correct because the antecedent (presenters) is plural."Most presenters spoke without looking at theirnotes."
The correct pronoun-antecedent agreement would be "their notes" instead of "his or her notes" to be inclusive of all presenters regardless of gender. "Most presenters spoke without looking at their notes."
Now, in 2012, the presenters are Helen Skelton and Barney Harwood, CBBC presenter.
presenters of HOW tv programme were Fred Dinage. Jack Hargreaves, Marian James and Jon Miller