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Each of them has the same weight . . . one pound.

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Q: Who weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of rock?
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If a seashell weighs 18 ounces and a rock weighs 1 pound which weighs more?

The rock weighs more because 1 pound is equivalent to 16 ounces.

What weighs more a bag of gold or a bag of feathers?

"Depends on how much gold and how many feathers you have. " I believe the riddle is usually "which weighs more - a pound of gold or a pound of feather?" The answer is that they weigh the same amount - they are both a pound. However, one cannot answer your question without further details since we clearly do not know how much of each object we have and how heavy it is.

Which is heavier a pound of feathers a pound of rock or a pound of jellybeans?

I believe that a pound of rocks has to be heavier than the other pounds of items that you mentioned. Therefore, feathers are very very light-weight. Jellybeans does not beat rocks. SO THE ANSWER IS A POUND OF ROCKS. thank you :)AnswerTrick question. They're all the same weight, because the questions specifies that they all weigh 1 lb, so none weigh more than the others. You would need a lot more feathers to get a weight of 1 pound, but you wouldn't need as many rocks to get the same weight.

Can a pile of feathers be more massive than a pile of rocks?

No, a pile of rocks will be more massive than a pile of feathers even if the volumes of the two piles are the same. This is because rocks are denser and have more mass per unit volume compared to feathers.

Which is heavier a 10 pound rock or a 100 ounce rock?

A 100 ounce rock is heavier than a 10 pound rock. This is because 1 pound is equivalent to 16 ounces, so a 100 ounce rock would weigh more than a 10 pound rock.

Which weighs more feathers or rocks?

Answer That seems like a trick question to me! You could certainly gather enough feathers to equal the 'weight' of a rock. Weight is a measure of gravitational force on an object. The pull of gravity on a rock and a feather will be the same. In a vacuum, they will both fall at the same rate. They will both hit the bottom at the same time. Now of course, rocks feel heavier than feathers. But you could gather enough feathers so that a box of feathers feels just about as heavy as a rock. So which weighs more? Feathers or rocks? The question you should probably ask is which has more 'mass'. A measure of mass doesn't change with altitude, as does weight. Mass will be the same measurement for an object no matter where you take the measurement. And even better, you should probably ask which has the bigger density. Density is mass per volume. And then, of course, the answer is easy to give: rocks have a bigger density than feathers. Because if you take a box filled with rocks and a box filled with feathers, and if both boxes have the same size (the same volume) then the box with rocks is going to have the bigger mass.

A rock is taken from the surface of the moon and brought to earth what is different about this rock on earth?

The main difference is that the rock's appearance may change due to exposure to Earth's atmosphere, causing potential oxidation or weathering. Additionally, the rock's composition could be altered as it interacts with Earth's environment, leading to potential chemical reactions that could affect its structure. Lastly, the rock's weight will be different on Earth due to the moon's lower gravitational pull compared to Earth.

What is heavier 3 kg rock or 2800 gram rock?

3kg rock = 3000 g rock; so it is heavier because it weighs more. hoping kids use this!

What weighs more an ounce of Gold or an ounce of Rock?

it's a trick question. there both an OUNCE.

Does a 25 ounce rock weigh more than 2 pounds of paper?

Yes, a 25 ounce rock weighs more than 2 pounds of paper. There are 16 ounces in a pound, so 2 pounds of paper would be 32 ounces. A 25 ounce rock is lighter than 32 ounces of paper.

What is a rock ptarmigans white winter feathers for?

The new feathers are warmer and help the animal blend in with the snow.

How many pounds is an igneous rock?

How much a rock of any type weighs depends on the size of a rock. A boulder made of granite weighs more than a pebble of granite. Most igneous rocks have a density between 2,700 and 3,300 kilograms per cubic meter.