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Q: Who were the 3 Greek mathematicians that had an influence on Pythagoras's work?
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MrS. soLaNo Is onE Of thE GoOd fIlIpInO mAtHemAtIcIanS ANd HEr wOrK Is a TEaCher.....................................................

What does a Mathematician do for work?

Mathematicians can do many different types of work. They can be a school teacher, accounting, researcher, engineering. Some mathematicians can also work in fields such as astronomy and space exploration, and robotics.

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What are the weird letters in math?

There are no weird letters in maths. Greek mathematicians were responsible for a significant amount of the early mathematical work and they, naturally used Greek letters. Many of these letters are still used today. Just because you are not familiar with characters in the Greek alphabet does not make them "weird letters".

Who made the unit circle?

It is unknown who created the unit circle. Pythagoras did a lot of work related to the unit circle. In ancient times, Greek, Indian, and Arabian mathematicians used the unit circle.

What mathematicians used patterns in their work?

All mathematicians seek patterns. These help them to summarise results which may, otherwise, seem unrelated.

How can you work out pythagorass theorem?

There are a great number of different proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. Unfortunately, many of them require diagrams which are hard to reproduce here. Check out the link to Wikipedia's page on the theorem for several different proofs.

What jobs do number smart people work as?

mathematicians,scientist,banker,if you work in a shop,teachers

Is it true that mathematicians who are terrible essay writers are forbidden to work in engineering?

No, not at all.

Who is a mathematcian?

A mathematician is a person who studies mathematics or otherwise works with mathematics for a living. Many mathematicians try to come up with new discoveries and creative inventions in mathematics that they think might be useful. These people are research mathematicians. These mathematicians mostly work for universities. Others might work for government agencies doing various things. Still other mathematicians work for big corporations such as General Electric. A person might be called a mathematician even if he doesn't try to invent new math. Some mathematicians spend most of their time solving somewhat routine but complex math problems that most people don't understand how to solve. These people are applied mathematicians.

What was the name of the mathematical textbook Euclid wrote?

Euclid's thirteen volume work called Elements outlines, explains, and provides the proofs of the basic concepts of mathematics that had been determined by Greek and Egyptian mathematicians by the third century BC.