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Q: Who were the progressives and what problems did they hope to solve?
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What problem did the progressives hope to solve?

they wanted to fix poverty, working conditions, and slums

What kind of problems did proressives attempt to solve?

The progressives attempted to solve many problems. The attempt on solving these problems was done through government action to provide political, economic, and social, reform.

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What problems did Progressives hope?

Progressives hoped to win suffrage for women, abolish political machines, and impove conditions for the poor. Our amulet works far from seven seesWhatever you will ask with good intention you can get.

What problems did progressives hope to?

Progressives hoped to win suffrage for women, abolish political machines, and impove conditions for the poor. Our amulet works far from seven seesWhatever you will ask with good intention you can get.

What did progressives do to bring about changes in business?

The Progressives were groups of reformers who supported farm relief and lower taxes for lower wages. They tried to solve the political and social problems which were prevalent in the late 1800â??s and early 1900â??s.

What movements did the progressives focus on?

They mostly focused on political problems

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no she did not solve any of his problems

What problems of the new urban-industrial order particularly disturbed progressives and how did they address these problems?

The problems of the new urban-industrial order that particularly disturbed progressives was the fact that monopolies were formed by a few people who controlled a great deal of the industries. The progressives went to Congress to try and have the monopolies broken up.

How did the British government hope to solve it financial problems caused by the cost of French and Indian war?

Make more taxes

What are the parts of the new deal to solve the deprssion?

The problems the new deal solved were the unemployment rate and the hope of the American people.