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Traditionally maids would work in a scullery. They would clean the dishes and other kitchen items as well as washing other items around the house that needed vigorous scrubbing.

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Q: Who would normally work in a scullery?
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What time would a scullery maid get up at in the Victorian times?

A scullery maid would have to get up first about 5.30 am and probably not get to bed until 10pm

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What skills did a scullery maid need?

A scullery maid needed skills in dishwashing, cleaning, and organization. They also needed to be able to work efficiently and quickly to keep up with the demands of the kitchen. Attention to detail and the ability to follow instructions were also important skills for a scullery maid.

What is a sentence using scullery?

It has a fully fitted kitchen and separate scullery area.

What is a scullery?

In old English houses, cooking was done in the kitchen. Washing up and other cleaning jobs were done in a small room called a scullery, and so that is what the scullery maid did.

What is a scullery maid?

In old English houses, cooking was done in the kitchen. Washing up and other cleaning jobs were done in a small room called a scullery, and so that is what the scullery maid did.

What are the Tudor names for servants?

well, there are scullery maids and royals would have ladies and gentlemen in waiting.

What hobbies did scullery maids have?

In their spare time they would crochet, sew embroidery or make clothes.

Can you please use the word scullery in a sentence?

The food was prepared in the kitchen and the washing-up was done in the adjacent scullery.

What is the different between scullery and retina?

Scullery: a room for washing dishes and household. Retina: a layer at the back of the eyeball that is very sensitive.

What skills would a scullery maid need?

this is soo bad i cant even see the answer to my awseome qustion !£!"$%"£TDFHGDFH