According to tradition, it was written around 6th century BCE by the Taoist sage Laozi (or Lao Tzu, "Old Master"), a record-keeper at the Zhou Dynasty court, by whose name the text is known in China. The text's true authorship and date of composition or compilation are still debated. -from Wikipedia; Tao Te Ching
Johannes de Sacro Bosco in the late 15th Century.
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Daoism is a major Chinese religio-philosophical tradition. Though the concept of dao was employed by all Chinese schools of thought, Daoism arose out of the promotion of dao as the social ideal. Laozi is traditionally regarded as the founder of Daoism and the author of its classic text, the Daodejing. Other Daoist classics include the Zhuangzi (4th - 3rd century BC; ) and the Liezi. In Daoism, dao is the force or principle about which nothing can be predicated, but that latently contains the forms, entities, and forces of all phenomena. This natural wisdom should not be interfered with; de, or superior virtue, is acquired through action so entirely in accordance with the natural order that its author leaves no trace of himself in his work. The tradition holds that all beings and things are fundamentally one. Daoism's focus on nature and the natural order complements the societal focus of Confucianism, and its synthesis with Buddhism is the basis of Zen.
No individual can be said to have discovered the rules of probability. Some people that made important contributions are Gerolamo Cadarno, Pierre de Fermat, Blaise Pascal and Chritiaan Huygens.Pierre-Simon Laplace wrote what many consider to be the definitive work.
Dao De Ching (also translates "Dao De Jing" or "Tao Te Ching")
Sheng De Hua Dao has written: 'Jing Du he shang bao jian fa'
Huan Gu has written: 'Dao de zhen jing zhu shu'
Dao De Jing, also known as the Tao Te Ching, is an ancient Chinese text written by the philosopher Laozi. It is considered one of the foundational texts of Taoism. The title can be translated to mean "The Book of the Way and its Virtue" or "The Classic of the Way and Virtue."
Weicong Qin has written: 'Li Er dao de jing bu zheng'
Huangsheng Li has written: 'Ru jia de she hui li xiang yu dao de jing shen'
Laozi (Tao Te Ching, Dao De Jing, or Daodejing) was the founder and most famous teacher
Laozi (Tao Te Ching, Dao De Jing, or Daodejing) was the founder and most famous teacher
Heshanggong has written: 'Laozi hui han' 'Dao de zhen jing (Zhu zi bai jia cong shu)'
Dongwu Liu has written: 'Cong xiang cun dao cheng shi de jing shen tai ji'
Guoliang. Liu has written: 'Dao jiao jing cui' 'Dao jiao yu Zhou yi' -- subject(s): Taoism, Yi jing 'Ke xue zhi guang'