212 is not a prime number. A prime number is a whole number that can only be divided equally by 1 and itself. One example of proof: 212 ÷ 2 = 106
NO!!!! Any number ending in 0,2,4,6, or 8 is an EVEN number. Since '212' ends in '2' it is an even number. 1,000,000 is an even number, But 1,000,001 is an ODD Number.
It is 212.
Two hundred and twelfth.
(212-381-1540) (212-381-1540)
The Liberty Inn, whose slogan is "Your Rendezvous for Romance" is located in New York City's Meatpacking District. It is located on Tenth Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets. The telephone number is (212) 741-2333.
The telephone number for the Wolcott Hotel located in New York is (212)-268-2900. There are also extensions that can be used to contact different sections of the hotel.
It stands for the telephone area code for Manhattan, NYC. "I was in the 212" means "I was in Manhattan".
An extension number is a number in addition to the regular telephone number that allows a call to be directed to a particular telephone in a business. You dial the regular number, and then either ask the receptionist to connect you to the extension or give the extension number to the automated attendant. For example, to call (212) 555-0123 ext. 752, you dial the number, 1-212-555-0123, and then either ask the human receptionist for "extension 752" or key in or say "752" to the automated attendant.
It is 212 = 4096, whose factors are 2n where n = 0, 1, 2, ... , 12.
The address of the Huguenot Society of America is: 20 West 44th Street, Suite 510, New York, 10036. Telephone Number: 212 755 0592, fax: 212 317 0676.
You can contact Essence magazine at (212) 522-1212 for general inquiries and subscriptions.
212 The simplest form of a whole number is the number itself. (212/1 = 212 + 0/1)
The contact information for A Mighty Quinn's restaurant is: 103 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10003 (212) 677-3733