i think fail
No, but your bad at english.
bad-they molest your pet good - they treat him/her good
good: usful for time managments BAD: uses battery
For you, bad. For the government, HECK YAH ITS GOOD!!!! If you are talking about the tax thingy.
Righh DOE; BtCh's Be Streesing Her !
no fuq u btch
Yes btch
fck yu thats the answer btch
it all ready is who ever is asking btch
no because you are a focking son of btch
stupid,btch,dumb,talks fast,fat,ugly,whre
No, btch
Maybe. Try to examine yourself.
He is a little stupid pssy btch who got dumped by Alyssa, sucks at soccer and Andrew fcked his mom
Hurts like a btch jk no it was really un painful it depends they're going to num it so no worries
no btch. Please read the book and find your answer that way. Cheating by looking online wont help you in life.