It was found convenient to have prefixes for different powers of 10 - and especially powers of 1000. "Kilo" was chosen for 1000. It is derived from a Greek word meaning 1000.
1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters.
There are one hundred 10g in 1kilo
1000 grams = 1kilo So 750 grams is .75kilo or 3 quarters of a kilo.
75mg = 0.075g. This is the metric system: 1000 µg = 1mg (1000 micro grams = 1 milligram) 1000 mg = 1g (1000 milligram = 1 gram) 1000 g = 1kg (1000 gram = 1kilo gram).
1000 equals 1000 because it is not in a mathematic referation
1000 meters
1 kilowatt hour means 1000 watts for 3600 seconds, so a kWh equals 3.6 million Joules.
1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters.
I suppose you mean "Newton", the unit of force.In any case, "kilo" means 1000. This prefix is used with many different units. So, a kN is simply a 1000 Newton.
1000 milligrams in a gram. 1000 times more in a kilogram so 1,000,000 times from milligram to kilogram. That's one million.
One kilo hour equals to one hour. This is used in energy.
There are one hundred 10g in 1kilo
1000 grams = 1kilo So 750 grams is .75kilo or 3 quarters of a kilo.
75mg = 0.075g. This is the metric system: 1000 µg = 1mg (1000 micro grams = 1 milligram) 1000 mg = 1g (1000 milligram = 1 gram) 1000 g = 1kg (1000 gram = 1kilo gram).
1 kilogram = 1000 grams.1000g eq. 1kilo info.
55.0 lb is approximately equal to 25 kilograms (kg).