The prime number (factor) of 289 is: 17
its prime
289 is composite. 289 = 17 * 17 = 172
289 does.
289 is an odd number so it must be the sum of an odd and an even number. The only even prime number is 2 so the other number must be 287, which is not prime as it is divisible by 7, so your question has no answer in this universe.
No - The prime factors of 289 are 17 and 17.
The prime number (factor) of 289 is: 17
its prime
289 is composite. 289 = 17 * 17 = 172
17,as 289 is the square of 17
289 does.
The Prime Factor of 289 is 17
The number 2023 is composite, can be divided by 289 and 7.
289 is an odd number so it must be the sum of an odd and an even number. The only even prime number is 2 so the other number must be 287, which is not prime as it is divisible by 7, so your question has no answer in this universe.
289 is a composite number. This is because composite numbers are any number that has more than two factors(one and itself). Therefore, since 17 is a factor of 289 that makes it a composite number.
1, 17, 289 17 is prime.