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70% alcohol has been found to be more effective in killing microbes.Higher and lower concentration may not be as effective.90% alcohol coagulate proteins in contact.suppose 90% alcohol is poured over one celled organism,the alcohol penetrate the cellwall of the organism.the coagulated protein would then prevent the alcohol further from the cell and no more coagulation then take,if 70% alcohol is added into one celled organism.The diluted alcohol also coagulates the protein, but at a slower rate,so that it penetrates all the cell before coagulation.Then all the cell coagulated and the organism died.

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Q: Why 70 percent ethyl alcohol is used rather than 90 percent or 95 percent?
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Does water and ethyl alcohol mix together or create and interface?

Water and ethyl alcohol are both polar solvents, meaning they have similar intermolecular forces and are able to mix together. When they are mixed, they form a homogeneous solution rather than creating an interface between the two liquids. This is because the polar nature of water and ethyl alcohol allows them to interact and dissolve into each other.

What floats in ethyl alcohol?

Most solids and liquids that are less dense than ethyl alcohol will float in it. Some examples include oil, wax, and certain types of plastic. However, materials that are more dense than ethyl alcohol, such as most metals, will sink in it.

Is alcohol with seventy percent rubbing a substance or a mixture?

Rubbing alcohol is not a substance because it is not pure, it is a mixture of (more than 4) compounds, one of which is ethyl alcohol, among water, isopropyl alcohol and detergent (soap)

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The boiling point of ethyl alcohol is higher than that of dimethyl ether because ethyl alcohol has stronger intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonding) between its molecules than dimethyl ether, which only has weaker van der Waals forces. These stronger intermolecular forces in ethyl alcohol require more energy to overcome, resulting in a higher boiling point.

Will milk float in ethyl alcohol?

No, milk is denser than ethyl alcohol, so it will sink in alcohol instead of floating.

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The reaction between acetic acid and alcohol to produce ethyl acetate is a simple and cost-effective process. These starting materials are readily available and less hazardous compared to using ketene or acetamide, which are more complex and toxic. Additionally, the acyl substitution reaction between acetic acid and alcohol is more selective and yields higher purity of ethyl acetate.

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Glycerol is more viscous than ethyl alcohol because glycerol has a higher molecular weight and more intermolecular forces (hydrogen bonding) compared to ethyl alcohol. These factors result in stronger interactions between glycerol molecules, making it more resistant to flow and therefore more viscous.

Do ice float in alcohol?

It depends on the specific properties of the alcohol. Typically, ice will float in pure alcohol because it is less dense than alcohol. However, if the alcohol is mixed with other substances that increase its density, the ice may sink.

What is the difference between ethyl and methyl alcohol?

Ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol, is the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. Methyl alcohol, also known as methanol, is a toxic alcohol that can cause damage if ingested. Ethyl alcohol is generally safe for consumption in moderation, while methyl alcohol is highly dangerous if consumed.

Is ethyl alcohol better antibacterial than isopropyl alcohol?

Both ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) are effective as antibacterial agents. The effectiveness of each alcohol depends on the concentration used and the specific type of bacteria being targeted. Overall, they are both commonly used as effective disinfectants and antiseptics.

Why 40 percent alcohol cheaper than 70 percent alcohol?

Because the concentration of alcohol is lower; you pay the alcohol not the water.

Why is pure alcohol more dangerous than adulterated alcohol?

Pure alcohol is far more dangerous than adulterated alcohol because pure alcohol has one hundred percent alcohol in comparison to aldulterated alcohol which is less than 100 percent.