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Q: Why Euler is known AS the father of complex numbers since cardano introduced the complex numbers?
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What year were Hindu Arabic numerals introduced to Europe?

It was discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci in Bogia when he travelled around with his father.

How many times did Jesus say the your Father in the garden before his death?

The prayer that Jesus introduced to the disciples is known as The Lord's Prayer, or Our Father, which are the prayer's opening words. (Matthew 6:9-13) According to the gospel record, He only delivered it once, and NOT in the garden and NOT just before His death. Rather, it was fairly early on in His ministry and within the Sermon on the Mount (Begins at Matthew 5:1) [NOT the Mount of Olives] that this prayer was introduced.

How did Hypatia become interested in mathematics?

Hypatia's interest in mathematics likely stemmed from her upbringing in Alexandria, Egypt, which was a hub of learning and scholarship. Her father, Theon of Alexandria, was a mathematician and philosopher, and he is believed to have introduced her to mathematics at a young age. Hypatia went on to become a renowned mathematician and philosopher herself, contributing to the field through her teaching and writings.

If -6 is equal to the square root of 36 and that is equal to 6 then doesn't -6 equal 6?

No. Square root is not a proper function in the sense that, over the domain of negative and positive numbers, it is a one-to-many mapping. Strictly speaking the domain for square root is all non-negative or all non-positive numbers (or a subset of them). Consider the following mapping: Your mother is your parent, your father is your parent. But your mother is not your father.

The father of algebra and his contribution?

The father of algebra is typically considered to be the Persian mathematician Muhammad al-Khwarizmi. He introduced the concept of algebra and its fundamental operations in his book "Kitab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabalah" (The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing). In this book, al-Khwarizmi laid the groundwork for solving equations and developing algebraic methods.

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A father complex is a psychological term used to describe a man's feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, or admiration towards his father figure. It can lead to difficulties in personal relationships and an over-reliance on the approval of authority figures.

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Who is the father of complex number?

The answer to this question is more like an opinion than a solid fact. Several different mathematicians have been attributed to contributions in imaginary and complex numbers, but the work of Leonhard Euler gave new meaning to how imaginary and complex numbers behave, and how they can be used to simplify the analysis of something very real: waves (especially electromagnetic waves).Euler's Formula: e^(i*Θ) = cos(Θ) + *sin (Θ)

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Why was Pythagoras known as the father of numbers?

Pythagoras is called the father of numbers because he discovered the Pythagoras theoram.

Who introduced Father's Day to the world?

Mrs. Grace Golden Clayton.

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It shows how a kid can be jealous of his father.

My father bought some flowers?

for my mother. (complex sentence)

How is the Oedipal complex resolved?

The Oedipal complex is resolved with the influence of the father over the adolescent boy's development. The complex is linked with what are seen as normal stages in human development. The Oedipal complex recognizes the role of the mother, as the giver of life, in the early development of male children. But that influential role diminishes as the boy grows older and needs to learn how to be a husband and father from his own father.