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They wanted a gold toilet

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Q: Why Founders shares are a type of classified stock where the shares are owned by the firms founders and they generally have more votes per share than the other classes of common stock?
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What is stacked data In Statistics?

Stacked data is a term which is used for a particular form of bar charts. For data classified into classes, a bar chart would comprise a set of bars, one for each class, where the height of the bar represents the variable of interest. If the data are classified according according to two criteria, one way to display the data is to use a stacked bar chart where each bar represents the classes, and, stacked on top of one another, are bars representing the secondary classes.

What math classes does an elementary teacher have to take in college?

The requirements differ from one country to another, but a good example is Michigan: Elementary education classes are pretty much prescribed by the program. Unless your declared major or minor is math, you will be required to take only those classes that are university requirements. Generally, that is algebra.

What do you need to take in high school in order to get into a college that offers that career?

You should probably take classes that relate to your desired career, if any are offered at your high school. General classes to take are English and Math, and other college-preparatory classes. In the end though, the classes that you choose in high school generally won't matter as much to a college as how well you did (your GPA (grade pooint average)) and your test scores. If you are trying to get into a really prestigious college it would matter more.

What is mathematics laboratory?

A mathematics laboratory is a place for students to get help with their math classes. The math lab generally has a "drop in" tutoring environment with assistance available to all math levels.

Is school has 18 classes of 35 in order to reduce classes to 30 how many classes have to be formed?

3 classes

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What is GEET and who were the founders?

GEET is a website that provides educational materials and information internationally. GEET also provides educational classes in New Mexico, and was founded by Sterling Allan.

Hewlett-Packard first computer where was is created?

William (Bill) Hewlett and David (Dave) Packard are the founders of Hewlett Packard.

Why might a corporation use a special category such as founders stock in issuing their common stock?

To assign special priviledges to those shares.... be it voting rights, par value, etc. (Only possible with a C Corporation, multiple classes of stock are not permitted with S-Corporations).

What were the differences between being a patrician or a plebeian?

In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.In the very early days of Rome, the patricians were the wealthy ruling class and the plebeians were the disenfranchised. Over time the plebeians gained rights, prestige and status. By the mid to late republic the only difference was in the roots of their names. Both classes were considered the nobility as they could trace their ancestry back to the original founders of Rome. The newcomers, the proletariat, could not.

What two classes are bacteria classified in?

Archaebacteria and eubacteria.

What if you fell 4 classes in 9 grade?

If you fail 4 classes you will still be classified as a 9th grader.

Organisms that are divided into classes are called what?

Organisms that are divided into classes are called classifying organisms or classified organisms.

Which career cluster is the above listed occupation classified?

there classes

What are classes called in English schools?

They are generally called classes.

What classes was Socrates taking?

If by 'taking classes' you mean: 'what kind of formal education did he have', the answer is that nothing is known about Socrates' early life and education. He wasn't an official teacher either: he once remarked that his being poor even was proof that he wasn't a teacher. How exactly he earned his living is a matter of (educated) guesswork. Through his 'dialogues' as written down by his admirer Plato, he has come to be regarded as one of the founders of Western philosophy, especially in the field of ethics.

How bacteria classified name tha two large classes?

I think it is that they are smart.

Crystal are classified into different crystal system?

Six crystal classes are known.