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Q: Why IIR filter do not have linear phase?
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What is the difference between FIR and IIR filter?

1)The impulse response of an IIR filter extends over infinite duration while the impulse response of FIR filter is stricted to finite no. of samples. 2)IIR is not always stable but FIR is always stable. 3)FIR can have precisely linear phase while IIR filters do not have linear phase.

Difference between FIR and IIR filters?

1)The impulse response of an IIR filter extends over infinite duration while the impulse response of FIR filter is stricted to finite no. of samples. 2)IIR is not always stable but FIR is always stable. 3)FIR can have precisely linear phase while IIR filters do not have linear phase.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of FIR filters compared to IIR counterparts?

IIR filters are recursive and FIR filters are non-recursive. Also FIR filters are linear phase and IIR filters are not; several applications are sensitive to non-linear phase (communications, medical, etc). In implementation, IIR filters require fewer taps (smaller order) and thusly are easier to implement and have fewer zeros. Also FIR filters are always stable, while IIR filters can often become unstable in implementation. The previous answer is correct about delays.

What is iir filter's applications?

IIR filters have nonlinear phase characteristic which means the output of such a filter is (most likely) a deformed version of the input without the filtered frequency. On the other hand IIR filters might become unstable. So IIR filters are used, when the user is not particularly interested in the output in time-domain but only in frequency-domain, e.g. in audio applications such as speakers...

Where is the IIR filter used?

IIR Filter is one of the Digital Filters .it is used mostly in Audio Signals Processing

Difference beyween IIR and FIR filters?

The impulse response of an IIR filter extends over infinite duration while the impulse response of FIR filter is stricted to finite no. of samples. Also IIR is not always stable but FIR is always stable.

What is the condition for linear phase response of FIR filter?

an FIR filter has linear phase characteristic, if coefficient symmetry (or antisymmetry) with respect to h(N/2) applies. ex: h(n)={c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6}, then the corresponding FIR filter would have linear response if: c0=c6, c1=c5, c2=c4.

What does it mean if a digital filter is IIR?

We can divide filters two types based on the length of the impulse resopnse 1. FIR where the impulse responce is finite 2. IIR where the impulse response is infinite

When was Phase Linear created?

Phase Linear was created in 1972.

What are iir and fir?

IIR is infinite impulse response. FIR is finite impulse response.

What is the birth name of Iir Hermeliin?

Iir Hermeliin's birth name is Hille Ermel.

What is the main characteristics of chebyshev filter?

It minimizes the error between the idealized and the actual filter characteristics over the range of filter, but with the ripples in the passband.Note:Butterworth filter does not give the sufficiently good approximation across the complete passband in many cases. And the Taylor's series is often not suited to the way specifications are given to the filter.For the IIR filter, the Chebyshev error is minimized over the passband and a Taylor's series approximation atis used to determine the stopband performance. This mixture of methods in the IIR case is called the Chebyshev filter