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Q: Why I can't see faces sometimes (I don't think it's prosopagnosia ) -I can't see their faces when they are in a car -I can't see their faces when it's night I always wear glasses?
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What is prosopagnosia?

It is a disorder in which faces of people are no longer familiar

Why does chuck close do portraits?

Close's fixation with portraits stems from his struggles with prosopagnosia or "face blindness". it prevents him from recognising faces but as he says when he paints these faces it helps him to remember the faces

What do faces look like if you have prosopagnosia?

People with prosopagnosia have difficulty recognizing faces, including familiar faces like friends and family members. They may rely on other cues such as clothing, hairstyle, or voice to identify people. This condition can make social interactions challenging and lead to feelings of isolation.

Pretty faces break million glasses .what does that mean?

It means that pretty faces=ugly faces, which break millions of glasses

Damage to the fusiform gyrus of the right inferior temporal cortex may result in a rare condition known as?

Prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness. This condition affects a person's ability to recognize faces, including those of familiar individuals. It is caused by damage to the fusiform gyrus, a region of the brain involved in face processing.

What type of glasses fit round faces?

Round faces do better with rectangular style glasses. No square or round styles

Why can't I recognize my own reflection in a mirror?

If you're unable to recognize your own reflection, it could be due to a condition called prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness. This condition impairs a person's ability to recognize faces, even their own. It is caused by abnormalities in the brain's face-processing mechanisms. Scheduling an evaluation with a healthcare provider or neurologist can help determine the cause and provide appropriate guidance.

What type of specs suit on roundface?

Glasses on round faces should be angular, to break the roundness of the face. Also, round faces tend to be short, so choose ones that are wider than they are deep, as deep glasses hide more of the face making it appear even shorter. Heart-shaped faces suit both round and angular glasses, but heart-shaped faces should avoid glasses that are wider at the top than they are at the bottom at all costs. Oval faces tend to be the best face shape when it comes to glasses. Round or angular are both fine, as oval faces tend to be softly rounded with high cheekbones. Square faces are angular, so oval and round glasses are better for them. Oblong faces should avoid small or narrow square-shaped glasses. Wider frames look much better than narrow frames as they break up the length of the face. Square shaped glasses only emphasise the angular features of the face.

Out of the four faces on Mount Rushmore who was wearing glasses?

The president wearing glasses on Mount Rushmore is Theodore Roosevelt.

What did silversmiths use to protect their faces?

Safety glasses and face shields are used to protect the faces of silversmiths and many other occupations.

Why are smiley faces called smiley faces?

Because they are always smiling at you!!!!!Because they are faces and they are smiley

Does a pyramid always have parallel faces?

A pyramid never has parallel faces. Any two faces intersect.