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Q: Why Rf value can not be more than 1?
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What is the maximum and RF value can be?

The maximum RF value that can be obtained is 1.0. This means that the substance travels the full distance of the chromatography medium being used. Any RF value greater than 1 is not physically possible.

Why are Rf values always less than 1?

Rf values are distance of substance from origin divided by distance of solvent front from origin. As the substance travels with the solvent, the solvent will always have a greater or equal value to the distance travelled by substance. This means the highest value of Rf is 1.

Which component has Rf value of 1?


Is it possible to have a Rf value greater than 1?

No, it's not possible to have an RF value greater than one. Rf values are a ratio of the distance a spot has traveled to the total distance of the solvent front. Since the distance of the front is always greater than the distance of a spot, the Rf value is always less than 1.

Why does carotene have the highest Rf value?

The Rf value of the xanthophyll is two thirds that of carotene because xanthophyll has an H bond with cellulose, which slows it down, and makes it less soluble in the solvent. Carotene is more soluble in 9:1 petroleum-ether acetone solution, which caused it to be carried higher and have a larger Rf value.

What does it mean when the Rf value is less then 0?

When the Rf value is zero, it generally refers to the position of the substance in the chromatogram. This means it did not move of that origin point.

If a particular compound has a Rf value of 0.95 is it strongly held on the paper or in the solution?

A compound with a high Rf value (close to 1) is strongly held on the paper and moves a short distance on the chromatography plate. This means it interacts more with the stationary phase (paper) than the mobile phase (solvent) and has low solubility in the solvent.

How do you convert the following RF scale to direct statement 1 500 000?

1:50000 cm 1 cm=50000 divide by one humdred 1 cm=0.5 km.

What is the Rf value of decane?

The Rf value of decane will depend on the specific conditions of the chromatography experiment (type of solvent, type of stationary phase, etc). In general, decane is non-polar and tends to have a higher Rf value in non-polar solvents compared to polar solvents. Typically, the Rf value of decane in non-polar solvents is close to 1.

Why you used inverting op amp more than non inverting op amp?

since gain is simply -Rf/Ri and is 1+Rf/Ri in case of non inverting

What are largest and smallest Rf values?

The largest Rf value is 1, which occurs when the compound remains at the origin of the chromatogram and does not move at all. The smallest Rf value is 0, which happens when the compound moves with the solvent front and does not adhere to the stationary phase.

How do you solve the Rf value in Column Chromatography?

To calculate the Rf value in column chromatography, you measure the distance migrated by the compound from its starting point and divide it by the distance traveled by the solvent front. The formula is Rf = distance migrated by compound / distance traveled by solvent. Rf values help in identifying and characterizing compounds based on their relative migration rates.