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It has a little of both but it's more positive.Why its positive is because you can learn new things

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Q: Why That cultural diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?
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Do you think That cultural diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?

it has a negative effect cause all things are negative no matter what this is a life answer trust me

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it can be positive because it can protect China from constant invasion but it is also negative because it restricts cultural diffusion.

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Positive: Cultural diffusion between Africa, India, The Middle East, and Europe. Negative: Depleted Natural resources of the area

That culture diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?

Positive because people can learn new things

What is one negative effect of culture diffusion?

loss of cultural identity. Lose traditions, languages, etc.

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Disquality of Pakistan?

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Some positive affects were that it helped feudalism to decline, increase trade between the middle east and it hepled spread cultural diffusion. =] your welcome

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it had no effect

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A positive effect is one that is favorable; a negative effect is one that is unfavorable.

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